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Out of Necessity

The first activity of a new recruit is to stan...


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This is out of necessity.  It is not because I want to share any words of wisdom or even that I feel I have something to share that could help someone else.  This is just for my own sanity.  I have to get through the next 12 months while my youngest son puts himself in harms way.

I was a single mom raising three boys and spent 20+ years now trying to do my best to keep them out of harms way.  I tried time out, taking way privileges, whipping their butts, scolding them and laying on guilt trips.  Sometimes it worked.  The older they got it got harder.  Now it is impossible.

I am married now.  The boys step dad is awesome.  However, his perspective is different than mine and sometimes I am not sure he really understands so I write.

Shortly after graduating high school he left for Paris Island to train.  In spite of the fact we were at war I didn’t think he would actually get sent overseas because he was going into the Reserves.  I was naive.  I also was not aware what type of job he would have until he had already joined.  See my son is a Combat Engineer.  Combat Engineers blow things up.  Nothing civil about that.

They also re-build and construct.  But things must be blown up before any construction goes on and not much construction goes on in a war zone.

The first time he deployed his older brother was still an active Marine.  It was not a secure feeling knowing both of them were in the Middle East at one point.  But I got through it mostly because I was naive and did not know what was really going on half the time.

But this is his second tour.  He volunteered.  He did not have to go.  When I asked him why he told me that when he went the 1st time there were Marines that volunteered to go a second time and he is aware that had those Marines not gone with them and brought their experience then many more would have been killed.  He told me that there were some 19 year old men going over there this time for the first time just like him and if he does not bring his experience than they may be killed.  I understood.

I’m damn proud first to be a mom, second to be an American.

This blog is for me.  If you chose to read please leave encouraging comments I’m going to need them.  Some days more than others.  In between posts please pray for our men.

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  1. December 5, 2008 at 10:53 am

    Oh, my gosh! You will be in my thoughts every day now… as well as your wonderful son. He’s a wonderful example of your ‘mothering’ which says volumes for the kind of person you are. Thank you for the gift of the link to your post.

  2. December 5, 2008 at 11:02 am

    You know Nannette, you’re one heck of a mom! Understanding, strong, loving!

    I don’t have kids of my own, so it’s difficult for me to say “I know what you mean” or something like that. You mentioned that your son would be gone for a full year…? You’re very strong for understanding and very brave as is he for going!

    Keep the blog going! I’ll be here supporting you… 🙂

  3. December 5, 2008 at 12:17 pm

    Your son is an AMAZING man! Brave, smart and compassionate — he’s exactly what’s needed in such a dangerous place. (((HUGS!!)))

  4. December 5, 2008 at 12:25 pm

    I LOVE it! Good for you to write as a way to share you passion, put your thoughts together, and then encourage others in similar places.

  5. December 5, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Our son went to Iraq twice as a volunteer. It is hard to have a son in harm’s way. And it’s strange, the mixture of fear/pride that is constantly running through you. Blessings to you.

  6. December 6, 2008 at 1:59 am

    I’m sure your son knows how blessed he is to have such a strong, caring and supportive Mom. I am so proud of the young men and women that are serving our country so that we may enjoy the freedom we are all so accustomed to. God bless you for raising such a fine young man and God bless him as he takes this next journey in life. You both will be in my prayers.

  7. December 6, 2008 at 3:12 am

    Nannette- By starting this Blog you already know that writing is a good way to get those emotions out in a non-threatning place. I will be here reading and praying your youngest son stays safe (as safe as you can be in a war). And you know if you need me, I am just a phone call away….

  8. December 6, 2008 at 4:36 am

    Nannette, I am thankful to God for meeting you! I am thankful to you and your family for protecting mine at these trying times. Prayers for you and yours go without saying. Stay strong and draw from your friends, family and strangers that offer words from God!

  9. December 7, 2008 at 2:16 pm

    May the Good Lord hold him in the “Palm of His Hand”…
    They can’t know how much you love them:)

  10. December 7, 2008 at 2:42 pm

    I will keep you and your sons in my thoughts and prayers. Our family can relate as we have a son who served there w/the Army’s 101st. Thankfully he is home for good now. The love and pride are what will get you through the days ahead.

  11. debradrummond
    December 11, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Hi Nannette,

    As a former Marine, I understand the pull your son feels to lead the way for other Marines. As a Mom, I feel your pain of the unknown and for having him in harm’s way.

    A two Marine Mom…you did good! You Are Truly A Semper Fi Mom!

  12. lethalvb01
    December 19, 2008 at 11:39 am

    A mom like that is the best thing they could have for support over there. Well, besides the tanks and the highly advanced helicopters. 🙂

    I was sent to the combat zone myself. Luckily I didn’t see combat.

    Tell your son this message. Write about the whole experience. It helps you get the value out of the experience.

  13. May 28, 2009 at 6:19 pm

    Nannette…it is now many months later, and just wanted to say I am always praying for your son, and everyone else’s as well.

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